Losing your pet can be a very emotional time in one's life. If you think your pet's quality of life has decreased you should ask yourselves "Is my pet enjoying life?" Is he/she suffering? Am I being fair to him/her? We have the ability in Veterinary Medicine to stop the suffering. This procedure is called euthanasia or putting your pet down. Basically a needle is placed into your pet's vein then a solution is injected to stop the breathing & heart muscles. It is painless & very quick. AFTER CARE includes the following 3 options 1. A Backyard Burial. 2. Private Cremation which includes a solitary cremation with the ashes returned in a wooden urn with a clay pawprint. 3. Mass cremations- nothing returned.
The following website may aid you at this difficult time.
The following website may aid you at this difficult time.