Why Should I Microchip My Pet?

As a pet owner, you should do many things to give your pets the lives they deserve. Some of them include neutering or spaying, switching them to a high-quality diet if you have not already done so, and regularly brushing their teeth.

However, experts also agree that microchipping pets is more important than most people think. Since many people are familiar with the advantages of a good diet and hygiene, here are some reasons why microchipping your loving animal friend is vital.

What Microchipping Entails

Microchipping entails implanting a tiny computer chip (about the size of a rice grain) just underneath your pet’s skin. The chip contains vital information such as the name of the microchipping company and a unique number.

After scanning the chip, this number is normally used to identify the owner of the pet. The microchip number is only associated with the pet owner’s information after registering it with the microchipping agency.

The Advantages of Microchipping Your Pet

There are a few reasons why microchips are highly recommended and very popular among breeders, animal rescue agencies, and veterinarians. Here are some of them.

If Your Pet Gets Lost

As heartbreaking as it can be, this is one of the more obvious reasons your pet should get a microchip. According to the American Kennel Club (AKC) Reunite, one in three dogs gets lost during their lifetime. If this happens and a 'good Samaritan' takes them to the vet or animal rescue agency, scanning the microchip is possible.

With the information stored in the microchip, you can ultimately reunite with your pet. However, it does not work like a GPS transmitter that allows tracking your pet down. It only stores information that helps in getting in touch with you.

Cannot Get Lost

Unlike regular tags or collars that can easily break or get lost, microchips are more reliable. If your pet gets lost after losing their tags, it will be difficult to contact you once they are found. This is especially true if your pet likes getting into mischief.

A Microchip Lasts a Long Time

According to experts, these pet microchips can last up to 25 years. Since most pets do not live past 25 years, it suffices to say you will only need to implant the chip only once. But if your pet is lucky enough to live past this age, they will not be in any shape to run off or get lost.

The Process Is Painless and Quick

Just like a routine vaccination, microchipping your pet takes a few seconds. Also, it is painless, as your pet will feel only a slight pinch. Some pet owners tattoo their pets for identification, but this is a painful procedure. With microchipping, you will not even have to hold down your pet while they struggle with pain.

For more on the importance of microchipping your pet, contact Rocky Ridge Animal Clinic at our office in Birmingham, Alabama. You can call us at 205-267-1300 today to schedule an appointment.